And the excitement was justified. It was a great brunch! At our friend's (again, wise) suggestion, we started with an order of Bacon Fat Popcorn ($5) for the table. Holy bleep, was this good. I have been mentally trying to figure out how to recreate it ever since, because I need some more soon. It was a simple concept, but executed perfectly--popcorn cooked in bacon fat, well-seasoned and mixed with more meaty pieces of bacon and drowning in finely and freshly shredded parmesan cheese. It was topped with a couple pieces of crispy fried sage that were pretty inconsequential to me, because the highlight here was the bacon. And the cheese. And the popcorn. Green things could be done without.
For my main course, I had the Cherry Porter Pancakes ($10). These were also amazing. The pancakes themselves were made with Revolution's Eugene Porter (yes, beer), which gave them some depth without tasting like beer. There were sour cherries cooked into the cakes, plus more on top along with candied pecans and a huge dollop of cinnamon butter. There was also real maple syrup, which was borderline unnecessary with the butter and pecans (although, let's be frank, I still used it). I also opted for a side of bacon because there can never be too much bacon, right? Can't remember how much the side was--probably a couple dollars.
Tim got the Pancetta Biscuits & Gravy ($10), and it was also top notch. The biscuit was covered in Italian sausage gravy and topped with crispy pancetta, fried shallots, and an egg--in this case, scrambled, but you can order it however you want it (I would have gone with over easy--yum!). So good. So, so good.
I can't wait to return so I can try their dinner menu. Definitely getting more of the popcorn!
Website: Revolution Brewing
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